Ace the 2024 GCSE Philosophy and Ethics Exam – Get Prepped and Philosophize with Confidence!

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What is the nature and importance of miracles?

They are always predicted accurately

They involve always a scientific discovery

They often involve a religious experience

Miracles are often understood as extraordinary events that defy natural laws and are perceived as acts of divine intervention. The nature of miracles typically involves a profound impact on individuals or communities, often relating to religious belief and experience. Many people report miracles as instances that deepen their faith, provide hope, or serve as affirmations of their spiritual beliefs. Option C highlights the connection between miracles and religious experiences, acknowledging that these events are frequently interpreted within a spiritual or religious context. This emphasizes the importance of miracles in reinforcing faith and providing a sense of divine presence in the lives of believers. Other options do not adequately address the key aspects associated with the nature of miracles. For instance, while some predictions may occur around miraculous events, they are not always accurate or reliable indicators of what constitutes a miracle. Similarly, miracles are not necessarily linked to scientific discoveries; instead, they often stand in contrast to scientific explanations. Lastly, while some purported miracles may turn out to be hoaxes, this does not capture the significance that genuine experiences of miracles hold within religious traditions and the personal transformations that can arise from them.

They are frequently hoaxes


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